Monday, April 23, 2012

Pirate Birthday Party

  My son's pirate birthday party was a success!!  The kids had a great time dressing up and "walking the plank".  I totally forgot to take a picture of the table decorated but it was cute.  It had a pirate map tablecloth, a treasure chest from the Parent Teacher Store filled with pirate loot, and a bunch of accessories for the kids to dress up with like bandannas, eye patches and earrings.

 my kiddos

 pirate map cake

 the captain left the birthday boy a message... it says 
"Arrr me mateys!  Happy Birthday to me hearty Dylan. Hope ye scalliwags have a swashbuckeling good time.  Yer Captain"

 walking the plank (2 x 4 and landscaping bricks)
...the kids had a great time doing this, by the end they were falling off and being eaten by sharks!

 they made hats out of newspapers and telescopes out of 
empty paper towel rolls and decorated them 

 the Birthday Boy!!!

Now I have to start working on decorating my daughter's room for her birthday present next month. 

~  Kim :) 


  1. Glad the Birthday Boy had a fantastic time!! Can't wait to see what the new 'big girl' bedroom will look like!

  2. Looks like a fun time for all! You should get the Mom of the Year award!

  3. Ha, please!!! I was threatening to take their little hands off if they touched the table decorations before the guests got there! ;-)


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