Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Digging in the dirt...

For the first time ever I bought annuals and planted them in the ground.  I have always appreciated the look and color that annuals add but I thought it would be way too much work to plant them into our flower bed in the front of our yard.  I am so glad that I bought a few and added them because it made such a difference!!!

This is the before and it has pretty much looked like this for the 2 years that we have lived here....

 And now....

 We also added this banana plant.

 Our Knockout Roses, the easiest, most low-maintenance plant EVER.

 This Clematis is growing up around the front door, I am hoping to drape it above the awning.

 This Clematis plant was here when we moved in, I think someone meant for it to grow up the water spout...(I instantly start singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider").  It never would so I bought a trellis and hopefully it will do what it's suppose to do.

I now want a Clematis around our mailbox, love them!

...and another hydrangea has been planted in the front beds.  That brings the count to 10 plants. 
They are just sooo pretty! 

I don't think that I will ever be done, on my list right now is to add a Crepe Myrtle tree at the corner of our house along with a bench seat so that I'm not standing in full sun everyday when I get my daughter off the bus... and of course some more hydrangeas.  
I totally have a vision of having an entire garden full of those beautiful blooming plants.

~  Kim :)

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