Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thrift Store & Garage Sale Lovin'

First I want to show you a set of lamps that I purchased from the thrift store the other day.  I picked them up and put them back a few times before remembering something, that if you ever see a set of vintage lamps that work, you should always buy them.  Not sure if I actually heard this somewhere or if I just made it up in my head!!  But I thought the set had enough potential that I couldn't leave them behind.

What would you have done, is this something that you would have jumped on or left behind?
I still can't decide if they are really cool or just really ugly.

I found these more updated shades at Target.  I like how they mimic the lines on the decorative balls.

So what do you think?  Should I spray paint the brass-y to a creamy white or leave them alone?

This morning I was so excited to have a garage sale right across the street from my house.  My husband usually works on Saturdays and the kids like to sleep in so I never get to go to garage sales.  I snuck over there early and scored some good deals.

First the practical.  I have been meaning to pick up one of these yellow guys for awhile since the kids like to ride and play in the street.  It has never been used.  The booster seat was only $5 and we can always use one of those. 

Lanterns and a wreath.

A large woven bowl that I plan to display on a wall.

A large, wood console table.  My neighbor said it came from a kitchen store and it is exactly what I have been looking for to display my large platters and bowls that take up too much space in the kitchen cabinets.  The bottom is perfect for large baskets to keep linens.  I paid $2 for it.

My only problem with it is that I have a feeling that it has been left outside for awhile and it is damp and molded.  Not sure what to do to remove the black from the finish.  I was thinking a bleach mixture and Brillo pad.  Any ideas?

And last, I scored this great bench.  It is heavy enough that I could not pick it up by myself.  This is the perfect way to wait for the bus when school starts.  My idea is to put it at the corner of our property and plant a Crepe Myrtle tree to provide some shade.  Two planters on each side with some Vinca flowers would look too cute too!

All in all I spent $16.50 at the garage sale and I feel like I scored some great deals.  Now I want to go every weekend, I need to get these kids of mine to wake up earlier... they can eat breakfast in the car, right?!?!

~  Kim :)


  1. Great finds! Love the lamp shades you found at Target. Love the kitchen bench - I have lots of large decorative trays & bowls for entertaining with little room to store them. I bought a cookie sheet rack from Bed, Bath & Beyond so at least I can stack the trays in an up-right position and can easily get to them.

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog. It's great! These finds are AWESOME. I'm having some major yard-sale envy right now :) I'm a big yard-saler too and am always in the market for tips and tricks. One site I've been using that I absolutely love is I love it because it maps out all of the local sales. Just wanted to pass that on to a fellow yard-saler :)


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