Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I have a dirty little secret...

It's bad...real bad. 

Like no one should ever. EVER. see this bad.  It's my guest room...

you may want to run now...

...the door is a new door for the onsuite bathroom, yeah it's been sitting there for like 3 weeks :-/

This is what we are using as our guest room/toy room/all of Kim's stuff room, and it is also technically the Master Bedroom in our house because it has it's own bathroom.  But it is kind of dark and small so we (I) decided to use the larger 4th bedroom at the end of the hallway as our Master.  This is the room that my Mom sleeps in when she comes to visit every other month from N.C. where she lives.  I can usually get it cleaned up pretty good before my Mom comes but this is the nasty, awful truth days before her arrival.  I'm not really sure how it gets like this...she leaves and one thing gets put on the bed and 1 months later, it looks like this... rugs, paint samples, pillows, a bag for donation...a door.

So I have a plan.  If everything has a place then it can't get like this right?!  I would love to make this room into a guest room and an office.  Here is my very rough drawing of what I think this room could look like:

(The bed is very large in the drawing and the desk is very small.  Yeah, it's a rough and not at all to scale drawing!)

So, I found this Pier 1 pillow and chair pad at the thrift store for a total of $8.96 and the bird picture was $2.98.  I think these will be my starting point for colors, the bedroom walls are already painted Soft Denim by Behr.

And here is a pretty picture to take your mind off of the horrible before picture:

I made an inspiration board at to get an idea of what the space would look like.  The walls would not be beadboard but the color was right.  Some of the things I desperately need storage for are:

paint samples
pictures and frames
business and office stuff

Every time my Mom leaves I swear it's not going to get like that again and every single time it does, I'm so over it!  So I have less than one month to transform this room from a hot mess into a beautiful and a functional guest room and office. 

Good luck to me! :)


  1. I think we all have a room like that. At my house it is the office. It is the only room that does not have new floors b/c I cant get it cleaned out enough. GOod luck and cant wait to see it. -Carrie

  2. Carrie, I think the key is to remove everything from the room. Mike won't be too happy with that, he hates when things are a mess, but I think it's the only way to really go through everything and only put back what you want.

  3. I thought about renting a POD and just emptying the whole thing. Maybe I will do that while Jamie is on his weekend golf trip.


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